Ernesto Javier "Calita," his cuadrilla, and the aguacil prepare to enter Plaza Mexico. Calita is lit by one of the many spotlights illuminating the long corridor leading to the bullring. (tap or click to enlarge)
Ernesto Javier "El Calita" attracts the attention of his first bull, "Don Alberto" (ganadería El Vergel), during the bullfight on August 11, 2019, in Tijuana's Caliente bullring.
Ernesto Javier "El Calita" gestures towards his first bull, "Don Alberto" (ganadería El Vergel), during the bullfight on August 11, 2019, in Tijuana's Caliente bullring.
El Calita prepares to dedicate his first bull, Don Alberto (ganadería El Vergel) during the bullfight on August 11, 2019, in Tijuana's Caliente bullring.