I was fortunate to see Joselito Adame perform in Irapuato.
I have seen Joselito Adame perform countless times. To be candid, for many years his style did not evoke much emotion in me.
This has been changing recently, however.
A few years ago I saw him in a mano a mano with Morante de la Puebla in Juriquilla. On that evening with one of his bulls he performed all three tercios. Not only did he place his banderillas (which I always enjoy seeing), he assumed the role of the picador!
On this afternoon in Juriquilla, he cut two ears from each bull. It was with his second bull, Escritor (ganadería Villa Carmela), he truly shined, with an emotional and skillful performance.
He postponed killing the bull multiple times due to the calls for an indulto, but when the judge did not grant it he dispatched it with authority.